At Dragon K, we offer martial arts classes for children, adults, and preschoolers.
Children learn to respect their masters for the experience and skills they are able to share with them, and at the same time, they will learn that their
Masters respect them as well for their willingness to improve them selves through martial arts training .
This is very important in martial arts.
Self- control is one of the most important traits to have as a person.
One great way to learn and practice self-control is in the martial arts school.
Martial arts training teaches students many lessons and imparts many benefits that have a profound effect on daily life.
Self- Defense
The benefits of studying martial arts for self-defense.
Practitioners of martial arts are on a continuous quest for harmony and self-discipline through physical discipline. Martial arts is practiced as a form of self-defense to prevent practitioners from living a life of fear.
One of the primary objectives of martial arts training is to help students develop the confidence they need to be successful in life. One of the key components to developing self-confidence is the ability to set and achieve goals.
Taekwondo Is Famed For Its Use Of Kicking Techniques, Which Distinguishes It From Martial Arts Such As Karate Or Southern Styles Of Kung Fu. The Rationale Is That The Leg Is The Longest And Strongest Weapon A Martial Artist Has, And Kicks Thus Have The Greatest Potential To Execute Powerful Strikes Without Successful Retaliation.
Taekwondo As A Sport And Exercise Is Popular With People Of Both Sexes And Of Many Ages. Physically, Taekwondo Develops Strength, Speed, Balance, Flexibility, And Stamina. An Example Of The Union Of Mental And Physical Discipline Is The Breaking Of Boards, Which Requires Both Physical Mastery Of The Technique And The Concentration To Focus One's Strength.
Taekwondo Can Be Characterized By Unity: The Unity Of Body, Mind, And Life, And The Unity Of The Pose ["Poomsae"] And Confrontation, And Cracking Down. When You Do Taekwondo, You Should Make Your Mind Peaceful And Synchronize Your Mind With Your Movements, And Extend This Harmony To Your Life And Society. This Is How In Taekwondo The Principle Of Physical Movements, The Principle Of Mind Training, And The Principle Of Life Become One And The Same. On The Other Hand, The Right Poomsae Lead To The Right Confrontation, Which Will Eventually Produce Great Destructive Power.
How Come We Reach Such A Unity In Taekwondo? Taekwondo Is A Way Of Life, Much Like Having A Job, Raising A Family Or Fighting For A Cause. What Makes Taekwondo Different From These Is That It Is An Activity For Survival In Extremely Antagonistic Situations. One Must Always Overcome The Enemy That Is Trying To Cause Harm. But Simply Winning A Fight Is Not Enough To Guarantee One's Safety, Because of The Enemy May Recuperate And Attack Again. Moreover, There May Be Many Other Enemies Than The One That Was Just Defeated. One Cannot Ever Feel Safe Unless One Gains Permanent Peace. To Attain This Permanent Or Lasting Peace, One Needs Unity. This Is What Taekwondo Aim For. Otherwise, Taekwondo Would Be No Different From Any Other Street-Fighting Skills.
Taekwondo Pursues Harmonious Growth And Improvements Of Life Through Its Unique Activities. This Is Why One Could Say Taekwondo Is A Way Of Life. To Ultimately Enable Ourselves To Lead More Valuable Lives, We Would Do Well By Finding The Guiding Principles Deeply Hidden In Taekwondo.